Dark Heists

Spooky Crime Deckbuilder board game

Recruit the best scoundrels into your crew, do spooky heists and prove you are the most notorious in the city.


Dark Heists is a deckbuilding board game where you play a gang recruiting crooked cops, monsters and other criminals to do spooky crimes in this neo-Victorian setting.

Use sway to recruit new gang members and use crime to do larceny and heists. If other players get in the way or out of  hand, spend coins to haunt their deck, steal their money or bring heat on them from authorities that haven’t been bought yet.

Dark Heists is inspired by video games like Dishonored,  and table top role-playing games like Blades in the Dark.

Each Scoundrel can be used to Sway, or recruit new scoundrels, or used to Crime and Larceny.

Do a Heist on your turn, drawing a new hand per challenge, gaining bonus effects and notoriety or take Heat if you fail.