Bazar is the party spot. It’s no secret that most of the drinking establishments, romance bars, restaurants, musical venues and fighting pits are run by the Bazar. It’s also no secret this district is specifically designed to separate you from your money. Legally or illegally.

Expo is a wild and exciting place to visit. Tinkerers are building flying, climbing and driving contraptions. And periodically, things explode. Sometimes on purpose. It’s best to be on your toes in Expo.

Edogawa Stadium is where Shibuya gets together to see feats of strength, speed, agility and magic. There are weekly Samurai battles, obstacle course races, feats of magical power and magnificence and battle bot fights.

The Grotto
If food is your thing, the Grotto is the most wonderful part of the city to visit. The area around the Brewers Guild is overflowing with great food, great drink and great mind altering substances.

Docklands is the Southeastern corner of Shibuya. It is the docks for fishing boats and ships that trade with outposts, other port towns.

Municipal Park
Municipal Park is both known as ‘the legal’ center of Shibuya. You’ll find the lawyers, courts and prison here. It’s and also homebase for the Constables, the police force of Shibuya.

Arcane Academy
Arcane Academy is where the Mages Guild is. It is off the beaten path from the rest of Shibuya and everyone likes it that way. No one likes a Mage who’s just getting started. They’re dangerous.

Temple Lake
Temple Lake is a lovely area with lakes, cherry blossom trees and shrines where people can pray for their ancestors. Designed to be a nature preserve inside the wall, now it’s under control of the Savant. Some say, ‘over run.’

Proving Grounds
Proving Grounds is home to the Samurai Training ground. It’s also where you go to get all things Samurai; armor, katanas, training equipment, equipment repair and Samurai work. Looking for a place to train, learn to fight and smell smelly fitness? Proving Grounds is the place.

Don’t have money? Don’t go to Lux. The finest clothes, the most beautiful jewelry, the most luxurious goods and the tightest security. Browsing and window shopping are not allowed. It costs to just shop in Lux.

Harvestry to the West are not the most exciting part of Shibuya. But if you’re looking for domesticated animals, you’re in the right place. Horses, oxen, elephants, cows, goats, alpaca and other work beast can be found in the Harvestry. There are also fields of grain, vegetables, fruit trees and Mt Odake.

Shibuya is a Walled City. The Wall defends Shibuya from the outside world including Tengu and most importantly, Oni. Rule Number One on the Wall: No Oni enters Shibuya. The wall is manned by Volunteers and guild conscrips.

Shibuya’s urban central district sits atop an intricatec man made sewer system accessible by most established and well-built buildings. Where smaller homes still use chamber pots which are dumped at the local sewer bowl, most multi story buildings tap into the sewer system for running water. The sewer is a mostly underground place where most normal folks don’t want to hang out.

Public Zepplins
Shibuya has several Sky Ports around the city. They are loosely organized around the guild Halls and include posts on the Wall and the Stadium. The Public Zeppelin service ferry’s people around from Sky Port to Sky Port, and is how most normal people get around Shibuya.